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Oct 11, 2022 Donna Spencer

Creating A Workplace That Supports Employee Wellbeing

Creating a culture that supports wellbeing isn’t just good for employees, it’s good for businesses too. Approximately 1 in 6 people may struggle with their mental wellbeing, which can affect how they feel in the workplace.

In recognition of World Mental Health Day, we’re sharing our own experiences of what wellbeing means for us here at Tribal Impact, both on this day and every other. While we understand the need for World Mental Health Day and how it can help to promote wellbeing, we want our support and improvements to live every single day of the year. Better wellbeing is part of an ongoing journey, for individuals and businesses alike.

In a previous employee survey, it was found that wellbeing was one of the areas employees felt we could improve. Acknowledging that feedback has helped us offer more support to our team, but we also recognise that there is still a long way to go. Genuinely listening to feedback, and putting plans of action into place, is the only way that we, and other companies, can better meet our employees’ needs.

Flexible Working

We are a remote workforce that empower our team members to choose a work pattern that suits them.

When our Leadership Coordinator, Lucy struggles with her hidden disability, she knows that she can put work to one side and focus on herself. Being able to do this, without needing to use annual leave or overwork herself, can make a big difference. Not only does this enable her to focus on her needs, but it also shows just how compassionate the rest of the team are in regard to each other’s wellbeing.

Simply having a flexible working policy isn’t enough though, listening to employee feedback is critical to making this work. At our recent Tribal Retreat, we discussed the pros and cons of flexible working and are currently working through these actions.

Perks Of Joining Us

Upon joining Tribal Impact, each member of our team has access to:

  • Perkbox – this enables them to get money off, or order little treats as a token of employer appreciation
  • A wellbeing allowance to save up for a personal treat
  • Bupa healthcare and dental – to give each employee the opportunity for good health
  • Birthday off work – to celebrate with loved ones, rather than need to focus on tasks
  • Freedom Fridays – we don’t schedule client meetings on a Friday, allowing for a more relaxed working day
  • Tribies Training – voluntary training via video call covering both relevant work topics (e.g., changes to LinkedIn), as well as those related to supporting wellbeing (e.g., preventing burnout)
It’s the little things that count. Being able to choose a little treat from Perkbox each month is a really nice touch. It was rewarding to see that parcel arrive with some new soaps… as a busy Mum of twins I had to hide them, of course! – Donna Donna Spencer Circle

Giving Donna, and the rest of our employees, the opportunity to pick little luxuries for themselves means they can cater to their wants and needs, knowing that Tribal Impact supports them as both employees and individual people.

Another of our employees, Lyn, also runs our bespoke wellness team. She wanted to engage with her colleagues and set up support for anyone who might need it. We welcomed that idea, and now the wellness team has regular events.

We started the Wellness Team, as we knew Wellbeing was a priority for any employer, but with us all being remote we realised it was even more important to do something.  We help employees by given them the latest updates via blogs, TedTalks, videos on where help can be obtained by the employee if they think they are being affected by any issues.  Any member of the Wellness team is here to listen and help the team.  We also do some fun stuff e.g., bingo nights, quiz nights, book club. We even had an Olympics event which was great fun. The Tribal Great British Bake Off is currently running. At the end of the day, we are there for the team if needed. - Lyn

Lyn Grenyer Circle

The Importance Of Recognition And Individuality

People from all walks of life are respected. Tribal Impact doesn’t want to shoehorn its employees. Instead, we like to celebrate individuality. As part of this, we give employees a platform to be able to share some of their lived experiences. This helps our employees to feel like they are being acknowledged and heard. At the same time, crafting these blogs also allows other members of the team to learn more about those they work with, generating a higher level of compassion.

Recognising an employee’s achievements at work is also important. You may be able to make a big difference to someone’s day, or even their level of confidence, by recognising these achievements. While we do tell that person directly, we also like to announce it on our social media platforms. Some examples of this can be congratulating employees on their work anniversary, or if they have gained a new qualification.

Time Away From Work

Overtime isn’t something that is encouraged at Tribal Impact. Instead, we much prefer our employees to make the most of their personal time, looking after themselves and doing things they enjoy.

Should an employee need time away from work due to essential medical procedures, it is unlikely that we would require this to be taken out of their annual leave. Medical necessities and holiday are far from being the same thing.

We do want our employees to prioritise themselves and their annual leave. Sarah knows that putting herself first isn’t something she’s often good at.  

I find it that much more difficult to switch off, especially with emails and work on my phone, and not needing that time to commute. This is something that my colleagues try to assist me with, such as nudging me to get offline and look after my wellbeing. – Sarah Sarah Winter Circle

Although work completion may be important, we don’t want it to take over our employees’ lives. Avoiding communications to employees outside of working hours, or when they are on annual leave, can be an essential part of supporting their wellbeing, as well as giving them the opportunity for personal happiness and growth.

The Benefits Of Prioritising Employee Welfare

Although the main benefits of prioritising employee health may be reaped by the employees themselves, there are also benefits for us being invested our team’s health. While employees with wellbeing conditions may need additional support at times, it is a complete myth that those with a diagnosis are unable to work, or to do a good job. Better mental health support in the workplace can save UK businesses up to £8 billion annually.

When an employees feel engaged and respected by the company they work for, they may be more likely to remain loyal to that brand. On the other hand, if an employee works hard for little recognition, especially in a stressful environment or position with low pay and opportunities, they may be more likely to seek alternative employment.

The Significance Of 81,396 Hours

Consider that a person may spend a third of their day, and potentially more than half of their waking hours, at work. Over a lifetime, this translates to 81,396 hours, or over 9 whole years, spent working for a brand. If you want to make the most of this time, and make it meaningful for your employees, supporting their wellbeing should be a priority.

In turn, a well-supported employee may be able to make better use of their time outside of work. Within this, it is likely they may discuss their work experiences, including how they are treated. Showing care and compassion for an employee’s welfare could create positive associations with your brand.

HR Support

One of the ways you can look into how well you are prioritising wellbeing can be by liaising with your HR team. They may know more about the procedures and support your company has in place, as well as be able to give feedback on well those resources are being used. On speaking to our own HR team, they informed us that we have ‘a robust Employee Assistance Programme that deals with both proactive self-care elements as well as responding quickly when employees need support’. They also shared that, to keep meeting our goals, we must continue to use ‘clear messaging, great role modelling and a personal commitment from every employee to positively engage in and contribute to the wider Wellbeing agenda’. Being able to listen to both compliments and constructive criticism can greatly impact how supportive you are of your employees’ needs.

Monitoring Employee Engagement

Many businesses understand the importance of using client feedback to improve services. Feedback from your employees can also be used to better the internal workings of your company.

At Tribal, we use the Employee Net Promoter Score. This enables employees to anonymously complete a survey detailing what they think of their working experience, including wellbeing, training, and recognition. From here, we then use this data to gauge how satisfied our team is and, if necessary, change the way we do things.

Giving our employees a voice has helped them to speak positively about Tribal Impact on a wider scale. This may be apparent through our employees’ social media posts, as well as the reviews we have received on our Glassdoor profile. Doing so may encourage other motivated individuals to want to work for our company, and help potential clients have more faith in our brand.

Final Thoughts

Each member of your team is more than just an employee. They are also an individual person with individual needs. Treating them as such, and seeking ways to become a more compassionate employer, could help to create company loyalty, reduce illness, and even generate positive feedback associated with your brand.

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About Tribal Impact

Tribal Impact is a B2B social selling and employee branding consultancy.

We're a team of social media strategists, trainers, coaches, content creators and data analysts who are passionate about helping our B2B customers develop and scale their social selling and employee advocacy programs.

Learn more about us here.

Published by Donna Spencer October 11, 2022
Donna Spencer