LinkedIn is continually rolling out new changes, so it can be easy to miss those that aren't met with exciting posts of, "I've got it" by new adopters.
On 23rd October, many users took to LinkedIn to excitedly announce that they now had LinkedIn Stories. It's a feature many had been anticipating since LinkedIn began trialling Stories during 2020. There have been plenty of other changes to the tool too and, while they may be more under-the-radar, they can be just as useful - or more so.
We’ve therefore brought together the latest changes to LinkedIn you should be aware of as we head into 2021.
LinkedIn Stories
The LinkedIn Stories roll-out will be an interesting one to watch, as we see how B2B professionals take the ephemeral content feature that started within Snapchat and apply it to the business world.
Will it add more genuine authenticity to posts and create a sense of urgency that increases engagement? So far, it looks like users are keen to experiment with the LinkedIn Stories.
If you're still on the fence about whether you should use LinkedIn Stories, or you're unclear of how to make the most of the newest "shiny" tool, then our blog will help:
How to use LinkedIn Stories to be truly authentic
Open To Work
During the pandemic, you've likely noticed several LinkedIn user profiles that show that they are "Open to Work". Nearly 2.5 million members have adopted the frame and LinkedIn's early results show very positive results. Those who have done so receive 40% more Inmails from recruiters and 20% more messages from the LinkedIn community.
Schedule A Video Meeting
It’s exciting to see that in October 2020, LinkedIn began to allow users to book a meeting via Zoom, Microsoft Teams or BlueJeans within InMails.
Using video meeting scheduling tools can help save sales professionals and users significant time. Instead of sending emails back and forwards to find a suitable time, prospects can simply select an available time that suits them. If they then see that time slots are full, it also enhances the perceived value of a sales professional's time.
Making InMail Conversations Easier
It can be challenging to keep on top of InMails and often a quick response is all that's needed. LinkedIn has now introduced emojis into InMails so you can quickly send a thumbs up to confirm a meeting time or a happy face in response to an update.
LinkedIn has also made it easier to join others to an existing conversation without having to worry about what was said before. At the top right-hand corner of a conversation, you can now select "new group chat" and add others. This then creates a new discussion and keeps the original one private.
Another feature many will find useful is the ability to delete a message from a conversation or edit it. We're busy and we all make mistakes - whether that's hitting send before noticing a typo, sending the wrong attachment or even messaging the wrong person. LinkedIn's now caught up with What's App so that you can quickly rectify mistakes.
Keeping LinkedIn Professional
LinkedIn aims to keep “important conversations constructive and respectful, never harmful". They've now strengthened their Professional Community Policies and reinforcing this with a short message that reminds you of this before you post anything.
LinkedIn is also making it easier to spot and report inappropriate, inflammatory or harassing messages you receive. In-line message warnings now show when a message has automatically been flagged for an issue, enabling you to report it or dismiss the warning and mark it as safe. They will then provide updates on the action taken after reports.
Advanced Search Functionality
One of the biggest changes to LinkedIn is its new search functionality. As well as filtering results by people, companies, groups, jobs and posts, you can also filter by courses and events. With online events and upskilling increasing during the pandemic, this is a useful addition to their already powerful search tool.
One of the great things we love about LinkedIn is that it's always adapting to user demands and trends, but as we've seen, it can be hard to keep up! If you want to stay on top of the latest LinkedIn features and trends, why not sign up to our newsletter?
We’d also love to know which features you plan to use as we head into 2021, so please comment below!