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Apr 28, 2022 Tribal Impact

LinkedIn Live: What It Is And How To Use It

There’s a new #NoFilter trend in town. Savvy marketers are now turning to LinkedIn Live to stream authentic videos (and see engagement soar by 24x).

LinkedIn launched native video back in 2017 and in just one year it saw over 300,000 million impressions on the platform. Meanwhile, stats abound about how video will make up 82% of all internet traffic and that Facebook will be all video in just a few years.

We’re a little sceptical about video taking over our content consumption to that degree. But either way, it’s clear that video is here to stay.

Posting videos to LinkedIn was once a novel way of connecting with customers or clients but are we seeing a backlash? People crave authentic videos instead of finely-crafted ones. Which is why those in the know are following LinkedIn Live's progress keenly.

Wait…I’ve Not Seen LinkedIn Live

LinkedIn Live started off being by ‘special invite only’, although it’s now accepting applications if you fit their new criteria.

Remember, consistency is the key to success on LinkedIn, but you can post and engage with others in just 10 minutes a day. The trick is to make it part of your routine. (See how we do it at Tribal Impact. Download our 10 Minute Coffee Cup Routine.)

Establish Your Professional Brand on LinkedIn with our 10-Minute 'Coffee Cup'  Routine

Why Bother With LinkedIn Live Instead Of Native Video?

Authentic can be an overused term. LinkedIn Live video offers the chance to inject real authenticity into your posts - there’s no double or triple takes. And it offers your audience the chance to interact with you in real-time via the comments feature. 

LinkedIn’s stats back up our instinctive push-back against ‘filtered video’. LinkedIn live streams receive 24x more comments and 7x more reactions than native videos. No wonder 62% of companies are looking to adopt live broadcasting in the future.

What Types Of Content Work Best With LinkedIn Live?

It can be easy to jump on the latest fad and try to make all your video ‘off the cuff’. Yet some types of content perform are perfectly geared up for LinkedIn live (and others not so much).

“Ask Me Anything” Sessions

These are just made for LinkedIn Live. It gives your prospective clients the chance to ask their burning questions without fearing they’ll be hounded by your sales team. (But if you answer it well, they’ll want to be.) It’s also a great way to delight your existing customers. 

(These sessions are also a great way of generating new content ideas for blogs/eBooks and more.)

A ‘Day In The Life’ Of…

These work well on so many levels. They can be used in employer branding to give people a behind-the-scenes look into your company. Or why not appeal to people’s inner geek? Just imagine how General Electric’s hugely successful Instagram videos  would perform on LinkedIn Live.. 

Product Demos

The interactive element of LinkedIn Live lets you run through demos and respond in real-time to queries customers may have. (And as it’s less ‘rehearsed’ there’s no need for a presentation deck and 5 minute biography at the start!)

Host A Roundtable Discussion

Some of your attendees may be a little nervous to start with, but it shows what really happens when experts get together - they push each other, laugh together at common frustrations and often disagree (nicely) about a contentious issue.


Why not stream live videos showing just how excited you really are about a new product launch, office expansion or big client success? 

How To Broadcast To LinkedIn Live

You can’t broadcast directly to LinkedIn Live at the moment. Instead, you’ll need to sign up to one of their third-party apps. (You can find all the third party apps here.)

Each app will have their own set-up, but Streamyard’s instructional video gives you a good idea of how to use it (along with some technical tips).


Just as you would do with a webinar, it’s best to have someone on hand watching your stream on another device. That way, they can reply to the comments for you and write down the best questions for you to respond to these in your broadcast. Remember: LinkedIn Live is about real-time engagement, so this part is vital to get right.

Here at Tribal Impact, we can’t wait to get stuck into LinkedIn Live. We already shoot off-the-cuff videos but we’re excited about the chance to have real-time conversations with our connections on topics we’re passionate about. The only question is: when will they open it up to the masses?

What do you think? Are you looking forward to getting started with LinkedIn Live? Let us know in the comments below.

Editor's Note: This post was originally published in March 2020 and has been updated with relevant links and information.

Click here to watch our previous LinkedIn Live recordings

About Tribal Impact

Tribal Impact is a B2B social selling and employee branding consultancy.

We're a team of social media strategists, trainers, coaches, content creators and data analysts who are passionate about helping our B2B customers develop and scale their social selling and employee advocacy programs.

Learn more about us here.

Published by Tribal Impact April 28, 2022