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Apr 28, 2022 Tribal Impact

How Marketing Should Use LinkedIn Live Events

How Marketing Should Use LinkedIn Live Events compressed


LinkedIn has combined its Live streaming and Events features to come up with its latest offering: Live Events. Using these, businesses can schedule live videos.

Scheduling Live Events in advance helps to build audience hype and capitalise on the additional engagement that live videos get. For LinkedIn, this is 24x the engagement of a native video.

Live Events integrate with some of the most popular streaming programs out there including Streamyard, Restream, and Vimeo Enterprise, giving businesses looking to stream to the platform several options to try. LinkedIn also plans to integrate with other platforms in the future.

To really make the most of these streams, people can invite their connections to RSVP to the Live Event. This will help to build interest in the event and spread the word about it. 

While it's tempting to try out the shiny new feature, it's also worth thinking about how any Live Events tie into the business and marketing strategies.

How can a brand hold a Live Event that generates engagement and guides people down the funnel? Or, if they're a paid customer, how can it help to maintain engagement and interest?


Ways To Use LinkedIn Live Events

One-Off Talks By Thought Leaders

People are looking for ways to pass the time during lockdown. Hosting one-off talks by thought leaders that work for the company is one way to solve this problem.

According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, 68% of people trust company experts, while 61% trust people just like them. Video builds this trust faster because it's the closest thing to a face-to-face conversation.

A live video builds it even faster than that because prospects can engage with the thought leader in real-time and even get any questions answered by them.


Establish Your Professional Brand on LinkedIn with our 10-Minute 'Coffee Cup'  Routine


Teach A New Skill

This is a great way to show off employees’ skills; possibly even more so than an industry-related talk. It’s one thing to discuss a topic, but teaching someone how to do something in a clear, digestible way is even more challenging. It’s a perfect Live Event for someone to host to build them up as a true thought leader.

This type of event should be aimed at people at the top of the funnel. It could be a free lead magnet, or a low-cost item to lure people in.

As it's at the top of the funnel, the focus should be on common problems within the industry.


How-To Workshops And Masterclasses

These workshops could be step-by-step guides on how to use a product or service, show new or lesser-known ways to use it, or even cover areas unrelated to the business but tied to common industry problems.

For example, a social media scheduler could host a workshop on the benefits of content marketing during a crisis.


Full-Day Events

This takes a lot of organising, but full-day events can be a great way to engage with customers and prospects. Different workshops could help with various business-related problems, and they could be taught by different people from within the company or even external experts.

When the UK went into lockdown, Andrew and Pete turned their in-person marketing event, ATOMICON, into a virtual event. It gave speakers a chance to show their creative side by coming up with engaging ways to demonstrate the concepts that they were teaching while having limited resources and accessibility.

It worked, though – the event was a huge success and has increased membership sign-ups to their online community, ATOMIC.


Activate Employees

With consumer and company purse stringers tighter than ever, it’s important for businesses to find ways to stand out now more than ever. Activating employees as influencers is one of the best ways to do this.

Live Events can be used to train employees regardless of where they are. They're automatically scheduled in and hosted on a platform that good employee advocate candidates use regularly anyway, which means they're less likely to forget about the lesson.

Since they're already on LinkedIn, they could even get started with what they've learnt as soon as the lesson is over.


Host Paid Events

Any of the above types of events could be free or paid. Live Events allow the company to only share the scheduled event to certain people.

External invites could be sold using a tool like Eventbrite, then the access link emailed out to people once they've purchased. 


Making The Most Of LinkedIn Live Events

LinkedIn Live Events have the potential to be an incredibly versatile way to connect with customers, prospects, and even employees during lockdown.

Whatever stage of the journey someone is at, there’s a wide range of options to intrigue, educate, and inspire them.


Editor's Note: This post was originally published in May 2020 and has been completely refreshed with new links and information.


Click here to watch our previous LinkedIn Live recordings

About Tribal Impact

Tribal Impact is a B2B social selling and employee branding consultancy.

We're a team of social media strategists, trainers, coaches, content creators and data analysts who are passionate about helping our B2B customers develop and scale their social selling and employee advocacy programs.

Learn more about us here.

Published by Tribal Impact April 28, 2022