When choosing internal trainers to help you scale your digital programme, getting the right people involved is key.
Otherwise, the programme can fall flat, fizzling out before it’s really had the chance to grow.
But what types of people should you be looking for to successfully scale your digital selling programme?
Traits To Look For In A Trainer
The most important characteristic that they need is passion. Their passion will be contagious, meaning their trainees will come away just as enthusiastic about getting involved.
If you hire someone who understands the theory of social selling but who isn’t passionate about it, it can backfire. Just because someone understands how something works, that doesn’t mean they’re the right person for the job.
We do theory and practice tests when we learn to drive for a reason. Understanding theory doesn’t always mean someone can apply those rules in practice.
If a trainer isn’t enthusiastic about what they’re doing, they won’t be as engaged when it comes to teaching social selling, and they may not explain the benefits of social selling as well to their trainees. This will mean your programme could fizzle out pretty quickly.
It really helps if they’re already an advanced social seller, too, because they’ll already have the skills that the next crop of social sellers needs to learn.
They also need to be active on social media. It can send mixed messages to trainees if they’re told to do something by someone who isn’t doing it themselves. This can lead to disengagement and a less successful programme.
It’s really difficult to convince someone to pick up a new habit if you’re not already demonstrating it yourself, which is why choosing active social sellers to become internal trainers matters.
When trainers are personally active on social media, it shows their passion and shows other employees what they could achieve.
Any trainer – and their manager – needs to accept that it will become a daily part of their job.
While it won’t impact their ability to do their job, it does mean additional responsibilities, and not everyone will be willing to take those on. If you encounter this issue, show how these extra responsibilities can benefit what they already do, and make sure you tailor your demonstration to their goals within the business.
It’s also important that social sellers are confident in what they’re doing. Their confidence will come across in their posts and teaching style.
Just like passion is contagious, so, too, is a lack of confidence.
Alongside confidence, trainers need to be able to take action. While having ideas is great, to set an example as a trainer, they need to show they can turn ideas into posts, engagement, and sales.
How To Find Trainers
To find the right people, put out a call and ask employees if they’re interested.
Be choosy about who you accept, though. If someone isn’t already active on social media, this is a red flag. They can’t teach something they’re not already doing as.
Their lessons will hold less weight with their trainees.
Those who aren’t already active on social media may not understand the full benefits like someone who’s already living and breathing it would, too.
Alongside asking who’s interested, look at who’s already active on social media.
Who has a high Social Selling Index (SSI)? This can be a good indicator of who has the kinds of skills you want your other social sellers to adopt.
Not everyone with a high SSI will put themselves forwards, but there’s no harm in asking them if they’re interested.
Some people don’t consider themselves trainers but have a natural affinity for it. Explain to them how becoming a trainer could benefit their personal and professional skills, then let them think about it.
Some employees may say no, but you only need a few to get started. They can become the ones who showcase what future trainers could achieve.
Choosing internal trainers to scale your digital programme really boils down to finding people who are passionate, confident, and have a can-do attitude. These traits will set a positive example to their trainees, and also mean that they’ll embrace the opportunities that arise from being trained as a trainer.