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Sep 20, 2018 Amy Chessman

3 Ways Employee Content Boosts Your Word of Mouth Strategy

Digital transformation may have changed the buyers journey but good old ‘traditional’ word of mouth is still as important as ever for building brand awareness and brand loyalty.  

Here at Tribal Impact we know exactly how successful word of mouth marketing can be and how it is the result of loyal advocates of the brand. But how does word of mouth influence the buyer journey?  

Looking at the stats 

  • 74% of customers consider word of mouth to be the key influencer in their purchasing decisions 
  • Around 91% of B2B buyers are influenced by word of mouth marketing 
  • 70% of adults trust the recommendations of the peers and networks on social media compared to only 15% who trust brands 

And who better to lead your word of mouth marketing than the people who knows your business inside out? Your employees.  

Support Your Employees to Quickly Outline Blog Posts with our FREE Blogging  Worksheet

At Tribal, we believe that Employee Advocacy is about transforming your engaged workforce to elevate your online reputation.. And - to ignite this - you need content. From event blogging, to new technology reviews to slice of life pieces. It all helps to boost exposure of your company. 

91 of B2B buyers are influenced by word of mouth marketing - Tribal Impact

Here are 3 ways employee content boosts your word of mouth strategy:
1. Consistently sharing positive experiences about your brand

As we have discussed in many Tribal blogs; trust, relevancy and authenticity are vital to the success of your public perception Keller Fay Group found that brands who inspire higher emotional intensity in their wider network receive 3 times as much word of mouth marketing compared to lower emotion-based content.  

By giving your employees a platform to share their personal experiences, employee content plays an important part in boosting the positive perception of your brand.   

2. Creating meaningful relationships 

Similar to how we make friends in real-life, we build stronger relationships with our network by starting conversations instead of shouting a message at them.  

Your employee voice plays a key role here in building meaningful relationships with their network instead of solely sharing branded content.  

Here is an example of Tribal team members Sarah and Vanessa at INBOUND2018 in Boston...


inbound employee content - Tribal Impact

3. Positioning your subject experts as thought leaders 

According to LinkedIn, B2B buyers are 5x more likely to engage with known industry thought leaders. Your employee content strategy is therefore key in attracting prospects into the funnel and establishing authority in your industry.  

As your employees speak to your customers frequently, activating subject experts in your company to create content, you are opening up a wealth of knowledge that is targeted to your to your customers struggles and desired outcomes, creating loyalty. 

Trust Goes A Long Way 

In a Trust Economy that’s getting more connected and reliant on social signals, fueling your word of mouth marketing with employee generated content could be one of the easiest and budget friendly ways to getting people talking and influenced by your brand.  

Kickstart your digital word of mouth by taking a look at these 4 types of content your employee generated content plan must have and download our blog post planning template to kickstart your strategy. 

Support Your Employees to Quickly Outline Blog Posts with our FREE Blogging  Worksheet

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About Tribal Impact

Tribal Impact is a B2B social selling and employee branding consultancy.

We're a team of social media strategists, trainers, coaches, content creators and data analysts who are passionate about helping our B2B customers develop and scale their social selling and employee advocacy programs.

Learn more about us here.

Published by Amy Chessman September 20, 2018
Amy Chessman